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I’ve worked as a manager at a BC credit union for 22 years. I was on STD for 6 months. As I neared the end of the 6th month, I contacted my case manager at Blue Cross to ask how I could apply for LTD as it looked like there would be a few weeks where I would need LTD coverage. My doctor and psychologist felt the earliest I could return to work was the 7th month. The case manager said I didn’t need to apply for LTD because I was “automatically approved for LTD” since I was already on STD and that I did not need to provide any further documentation. However, fast forward a month later when I check my paystub and see I was only partially paid instead of my full paycheque (this is after the last day my STD expires and two weeks before I return to work. I suspect my employer and Blue Cross deliberately did not offer me the chance to apply for LTD... instead of letting me apply and then denying my claim. Have you ever heard of someone automatically approved for LTD?

If it’s the same insurer paying you may not need to apply. But remember that LTD pays less than STD. STD generally pays 80-100% of pre-disability salary and LTD generally pays 60-70% of pre-disability salary.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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