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I recently under went total hip replacement. After a graduated return to work I started succumbing to residual nerve pain in both legs most likely due to over compensation, heavy lifting and over exertion of both legs. My doctor is confident that I can return to work with use of an assistive device (cane). My employer refused to allow a cane in. My work place and sent me home. The next day they filed a short term application. Result denial of STD with recommendation to contact previous benefit company for coverage. My question is can I refuse to go onto long term disability and return to work with accommodation with a pending request for accommodation for my employer?

Yes. And your employer must accommodate you under the law. Please call or email me at my contact info below and we can discuss your options. You have the right to be accommodated.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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