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I have been on LTD for 2 years. My insurance company asked me to apply for CPP disability which I did and still waiting for an response. I was working for an employer since year 2000 and still unable to return to work. I have received a letter from my employer saying that since 2017 I commenced an absence from work due to a medical condition and they need a letter that saying I can return to work with a reasonable time frame. If they don't receive a response to that letter within the next 3 weeks they will proceed on the basis that their information is correct and that there is no reasonable likelihood that I will be able to return to work in the reasonable future even with accommodation. What exactly does this mean?

If it is not likely that you can return to work, your employer can terminate your employment. This is called "frustration of contract". In that case, they will have to give you a few weeks pay. If you don't want for that to happen, you would need to get them a doctor's note saying that you are working on getting better and that, it is hopeful that you can return to work at some point. If you have any further questions, lease give us a call.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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