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Hi, I am currently in receipt of long-term disability benefits, with coverage under an "any occupation" policy. Can I return to work on a part-time basis and still be topped up to my current benefit amount? How many hours per week might I be allowed to work if I were to return to work in this context? I am afraid to contact my disability insurance provider with these questions as I am concerned these questions will trigger an investigation into my claim. Thank you for any advice!
Thanks for your question. Whether or not you're able to work while in the any-occ phase of your policy will be stated in your LTD policy. Unfortunately, each policy is different so there's no easy answer. I recommend asking your case manager for a copy of your policy (you have a legal right to do so), and review that to determine any limitations on your benefits. If you have further questions or concerns, you can contact our disability specialist, Rebecca, at