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Hi here's my question I am on long-term disability I've been with the company for 30 years they have approached me and said they want to release me and pay me my severance however first question do I still get long-term disability benefits my next question is they told me they're going to work out the money I have in my pension as part of my severance I strongly disagree as that money that's in my pension should remain there if they're going to give me Severance that's a totally different payment outcome I'm confused can you clarify can they do that include my pension as part of my Severance payment if they're going to release me and does my drug benefits keep continuing. My long-term disability contract says I receive payments until the age of 65 why does my company want to release me if I'm permanently disabled I'm confused why they want to include my pension into my release payment severance

Thanks for writing. You’ve actually connected to our LTD department, as opposed to our employment team – and most of your questions are actually employment matters.

I recommend using our free employment questions website ( as a starting point.

Regarding whether your existing LTD claim would be impacted by the termination, typically being terminated (even where your benefit policy is also terminated), would not compromise your existing and ongoing LTD claim. So, even if you no longer had LTD coverage, your current LTD claim should survive, unless/until it is cut-off for some other reason (ex. you're no longer entitled due to health improvements, you return to work, you turn 65, etc.); but, you would no longer have coverage for any future claims (ex. if you went back to work for a certain amount of time, and then went back off of work, and tried to make a claim under that policy again, you may not have coverage anymore).

That said, I would need to see your specific policy to confirm this. I have seen LTD policies, for example, which end existing LTD claims when someone "retires".

If you're cut-off LTD for any reason, please let us know right away, and we'll connect you with a lawyer for a free consultation.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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