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Dislocated my biceps tendon 14 years ago at work. Fully documented through Worksafe, and now I have torn the other two tendons that make up the rotator cuff. My dr says that this new injury happened because my shoulder was compromised by the original injury. The new injury did not happen while working but is keeping from going back to work. Worksafe is dragging it out and has hinted that they will not reopen the old claim because it is 14 years old.

Unfortunately we don’t practice WorkSafe law here. But I can recommend that you contact Gosal and Company (, at: 604-591-8187.

If you have an Long-Term Disability (LTD)-related question, please let me know. (If you have an LTD-policy, and haven't applied yet, you should apply right away.)
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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