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My daughter was out on short term disability for a mental breakdown. The Doctor put her on meds to try and help her and the first trials were terrible. She couldn’t even read, answer her phone, very confused. The insurance company tried reaching her, rather than speaking with her Dr. She tried to leave messages, but either they weren’t received, ignored, or with all the different professionals and her confused state, may have tried leaving messages with the wrong person. The HR person and the RBC insurance person, have similar names so easy to consume! Insurance cut her off and closed the file in August. They keep getting her to jump through hoops to open the file. The biggest issue is the Dr wants insurance to contact him directly, they refuse and want Tina to collect the info and send it on. The Dr says that’s not how he works. The insurance did the same hoops with the Pharmacy, the pharmacist took two tries to get it right! In the mean time, a broken, crying woman is trying to get enough energy to figure it all out!

Your daughter should set-up a call with one of our LTD lawyer for a free consultation right away. I'm going to email you directly about this, as it sounds like she has a valid claim.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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