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I applied for STD at Canada Life back in Nov. 2021 while I was off on medical leave with my physician's approval letter. I was turned down due to insufficient medical information. When I requested them to send me all the medical information this was based on, the clerk kept putting me off. I sent about 5 or more requests concerning the information they based this on. They also said I was rejected because I could do about 60% of my work.
I recently made another request for medical leave Nov. 18th, 2024 - April 14th 2025, but the new adjuster told me that it was based on 20 hours of work per week in the past year and since I was waiting to be recalled with restrictions, I did not work during that time frame. Therefore I was declined due to lack of hours. She mentioned that I previously applied for the same injuries back in 2021, and that period to dispute is overdue. Do I have a case for STD or LTD?

Unfortunately, the adjuster would be correct regarding the Nov/21 absence as there is typically a 2-year limitation period to start a claim after a denial.
For the more recent absence, you may have a valid claim, but we'd need to gather more information to know for sure. I invite you to give us a call at the phone number below to discuss in more detail
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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