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I have applied for LTD through my group benefits provider, Manulife. As part of this application they requested that a medical doctor complete their form. My oncologist completed the required form. The charge for this form was $110. I have submitted the $110 to Manulife for reimbursement but it doesn't appear that they will pay it. Do they not have to pay it since they requested it?

Unfortunately, unless your LTD policy states that the insurer will cover the cost of the doctors notes, you do have the responsibility to pay the fees to ensure the information is provided. Once your LTD benefits are approved, you can ask your insurer to provide them with the authorization to speak directly to your doctors, and then they would be responsible for covering the fees. If you have further questions or concerns on this matter, please reach out to our disability specialist Rebecca at, and she can further assist you (at no charge)
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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