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Am I allowed to give LTD work benefits a deadline to respond/approve my LTD? I have been waiting for approval since October; I've been contacting the LTD worker, so has my therapist, my family doctor and neurologist have written letters saying I cannot work right now. Last Friday I was told she is reviewing my claim that day. I have not heard anything today, my EI sickness benefits run out the end of this week and so do my health benefits through work... I need an answer this week, can I give her a deadline of the end of this week?
Thank you.

Absolutely, they should not be delaying their decision for this long. You can write to you case manager (email works well), that you've complied with all their requests so far and as such, are requesting a decision on your claim effective X date. You can even mention if you don't get a response, you will be consulting with a lawyer to learn your options.
Please contact our disability specialist, Rebecca, at, if you don't have a response by next week, and she will help you.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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