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I had a rear stroke affecting neurological disorder I require dry heat conditions. My LTD company has acknowledged my stroke and fulfilling their contractual obligation to pay me. Whoever my condition is getting worse because of the climate my doctor has told me if I was to move to a dry heat climate barometric pressure affects my sensory pain from the stroke. He suggested Arizona dry heat. That requires me to leave the country would my insurance stop my payments and will Canada Disability Pension stop by payments. Staying in this environment is creating pain a lot of it can I move down south and still receive payments even though the contract States I'm not to leave the country for a certain amount of time.

You need to look at your LTD policy. Most LTD policies contain travel and residency restrictions so if your policy has such restrictions then leaving the country may compromise your payments.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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