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Good Evening, our son is the subject of a Missing Persons case with York Regional Police and has been missing now for nearly 10 weeks. He is on long-term disability and received monthly CPP payments as well as private health insurance. He has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder. As he has not returned their calls or emails, the insurance carrier has sent our son a letter stating that if they don't hear back from him by October 30th, that they will issue him a 30-day notice, after which his benefits will be cancelled. In discussions with them, we've indicated that he can't return their calls as he's missing. We would appreciate some advice on what our available next steps are in order to intercede on our son's behalf and safeguard his benefits until such time as he's found and is able to get the proper treatment that he needs.

Unfortunately I don’t believe that there is much that can be done. If your son has been missing the insurer may indeed have the right to cease benefits. The LTD policy he is paid under likely has restrictive provisions that obligate him not to travel, to be under the care of a doctor, etc in order to receive benefits. If he is in breach of any of these provisions in the policy that may compromise his claim.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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