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Hello, I very much enjoy the “in your corner” show. Was watching it today and there was a discussion about the frequency of sending doctors reports to my LTD. I have been sending annual reports to my employer, which is who I have the LTD with, so I’m wondering if that is sufficient or do I need to send directly to my LTD? I always hesitate to contact my LTD unless absolutely necessary, as I try to avoid being flagged in anyway as that often stirs up problems and more farms. I have been on LTD for six years, and initially the reports were more frequent, but now that is his long-term issue, and unlikely to improve, I was thinking annual would be sufficient. I was actually informed by my employer, a BC school district, that they didn’t need the reports at this point as they assume my illnesses on going unless they hear differently. But now I’m concerned About my LTD not being satisfied.

The frequency of providing medical reports in LTD cases varies from case to case. In your situation, if you were told that you don’t need to worry about it I would still provide an update at least once a year. Alternatively you can wait until they ask you for an update and if/when they do, provide it then. Either way should be ok based on what you wrote in your question.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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