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I bought disability insurance when I bought my truck in case of being off work. I have now been denied my claim because they say it was a pre existing condition but it's not I was diagnosed with tendonitis in Aug. 2018 went back to work fine after a month off bought truck in Nov.2018 and then I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel in Jan.2019 but not confirmed until nerve test done Apr. 2019 went off for surgery on both hands starting June 2019 will be returning to work end of Aug. so in my opinion this was two different things and I don't believe I should be denied. What do I do?

Please call or email me at my contact info below. I need to see the documentation to assess your legal options. Then we can advise you. It won’t cost anything for us to chat about this.
The Disability Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-888-990-9646     Email:     Web:
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